A11y camp
Attended an in person accessibility conference.
Ruby Retreat Warrnambool
Attended a Ruby retreat in Warrnambool. Learnt some new technologies and ran an impropmtu accessibility workshop on manual testing.
Apollo Graph Developer - Associate Certification
Achieved a certificate in learning the foundations of GraphQL including queries and mutations.
3P Learning Tech Conference 2023
I spoke at a work conference in Sydney on Not Looking Autistic.
Ruby Conference AU 2023
I spoke at a conference in Melbourne on Ruby on Not Looking Autistic. I learnt about Ruby Objects, Rails Engines and Security.
A11y camp
Attended a two day online accessibility conference
Attended a software conference in Melbourne
SICP: Chapter 2
Completed Chapter 2 of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming as part of a study group
Hover: Here Comes Typed CSS
I presented a demo on CSS Houdini Typed OM at the Web Directions Hover Conference
WWC: Here Comes Typed CSS
I presented a demo on CSS Houdini Typed OM at the WWC virtual meetup
DDD: CSS Houdini, behind the Magic
I presented a demo on CSS Houdini at the DDD virtual meetup
WWC: Building your first iOS app in SwiftUI
I attended a workshop on how to build an iOS app using SwiftUI
GIDS: CSS Houdini, behind the Magic
I presented a demo on CSS Houdini at the GIDS vrtual conference
Elixir: Armstrong Numbers
I did a talk on Armstrong Numbers at the Elixir Australia meet up
MelbCSS: CSS Houdini, behind the Magic
I did a talk on CSS Houdini at the Melbourne CSS meet up
SICP: Chapter 1
Completed Chapter 1 of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming as part of a study group
MelbCSS: CSS Grid in IE
I did a talk on adapt a CSS Grid layout for IE at the Melbourne CSS meet up
Ruby Conference AU 2020
I attended a conference in Melbourne on Ruby. I learnt about testing code for code stink and working from home and pairing.
CSS Houdini: Paint Demo
Started a Demo project to test out CSS Houdini’s Paint API
Execute Program: Typescript course
Started an online course to learn TypeScript
Attended a testing and code quality conference in Melbourne
WebDirections Summit: CSS vs JS
I did a talk on CSS Hacks at the Web Directions Summit conference in Sydney
I did a talk on CSS Hacks at the Sydney CSS meet up
MelbCSS: CSS vs JS
I did a talk on CSS Hacks at the Melbourne CSS meet up
reinteractive Article: Simple CSS Dark Theming for Accessibility
I wrote article explaining how to add a dark theme to a website
AWS Community Day Conference Talk
Spoke at at AWS Community Day conference on the Full Stack Accessibility
reinteractive Article: How we made our website Accessible
I wrote article explaining how I got the reinteractive site to WCAG level AA
reinteractive Article: Is your Application Accessible?
I wrote article explaining the new Accessibility service I started
Ruby Conference AU 2019
I attended a conference in Melbourne on Ruby. I learnt about algorithms, Ruby views and data visualisation.
reinteractive Article: CSS transitions for interactive images
I wrote article on how to embed and animate SVG images with Ruby
Treehouse Web Design Course
Self directed course on design, including for mobile and typography for the web.
reinteractive Article: Simple CSSGrids for IE
I wrote article on how to adapt a CSS Grid layout for IE
Treehouse React Course
Self directed course on React including Web applications and Native mobile applications.
reinteractive Article: DIY Grid
I wrote article on how to build your own grid layout instead of relying on a framework
DDD Speaker workshop
Attended a speaker workshop to prepare for my upcoming conference talk at DDD Melbourne
Rails installfest
Skyped into a Rails Installfest in Panama to speak about how I got into Ruby on rails and what it’s like to work remote.
reinteractive Toolbox Talk
Hosted a toolbox through reinteractive on DIY Grids giving some guidelines on how to write your own grid layout rather then relying on a framework using CSS Grid and Flexbox.
Compared different graphing libraries including D3 and C3 then showing my own raw SVG graphs examples.
SVG graph library
Started a library of SVG graphs drawn with Ruby code
reinteractive Article: A11y on Rails
I wrote an article published by reinteractive on some tips to improve accessibility in a Ruby on Rails code base
CSS Conference 2018
Attended a conference on CSS, including leaning about CSS grid, font optimisation and animations.
Ruby Conference 2018
Attended a two day Ruby conference learning about machine learning, technical writing and how weird timezones are.
Sitepoint Article
I updated my article published by SitePoint on colour accessibility for the new version of Bootstrap.
reinteractive Article: SVG graphs
I wrote an article published by reinteractive on how I built a custom line graph using Ruby and SVG.
reinteractive Article: Frameworks
I wrote an article published by reinteractive on front end frameworks and what to consider when starting a new project.
reinteractive Article: 5Ws of A11y
I wrote an article published by reinteractive on an introduction to accessibility.
reinteractive Webinars
Hosted a webinar through reinteractive on The 5 W’s of Accessibility how to include accessibility in a web development project.
reinteractive Article: Naming
Hosted a toolbox talk through reinteractive (which turned into a blog post) on Front End naming conventions going through the ITCSS and BEM naming conventions we use and why.
Ruby Conference 2017
Attended a two day conference on Ruby learning about the future of Ruby. This included some introduction on how you can incorporate functional programming into a Ruby project and some alternative platforms to Rails.
Linux Conference 2017
Gave two presentations on Mice and Maps as part of Linux mini conferences, Katie Conf and OS and Games in Hobart. These focussed on how I built my Mouse Guard map app using open source software.
CSS and JS Conference 2016
Attended a two day conference learning about the latest in CSS and JS technology and best practices. Including accessibility, virtual reality, mobile optimisation and security.
Rails for Zombies
Completed a Rails tutorial series focusing on the Modal View Controller method and Rails databases.
Attended a weekend hack-a-thon, our team built a project called Going Out Today?. It gathered data on local parks, the idea was to eventually get them displayed on a map with weather and amenities.
A11y Camp
Gave a presentation on Looking into the JAWS of accessibility focussing on screen reader compatibility and tips.
Rails Girls Next
Weekend full of tutorials on Test Driven Development in Ruby, Agile development and pair programming. With talks from Rails girls alumni.
Gave a presentation on Looking into the JAWS of accessibility focussing on screen reader compatibility and tips.
Personal Website
Started making this website to remember all the cool tech stuff I do.
Google Analytics Course
Online course on Google Analytics Academy. Including marketing strategies, what to report and why. I then implemented this onto a company website which provide important data to the key stakeholders.
Be Responsive Meet Up
Gave a presentation on Pop Up accessibility. A similar but slightly updated version of my talk at Code conference.
Web Directions Code
Was selected to speak at Web Directions code conference, my talk was Pop Up accessibility. A practical demonstration on how to make a web component accessible for people with disabilities, focussing on screen readers.
Page Up Lunch and Learn
Lead an hour long tutorial with Q&A on accessibility. Page Up were looking to improve their internal systems for accessibility.
YOW Workshop
I won a workshop through YOW on how to present at a conference run by Damien Conway. This day long intensive workshop went through many tech presentation techniques and critiques.
Web Directions Workshop
I won a workshop on how to present at a conference run by John Allsopp from Web Directions. Including specifics on how to display your information and present effectively. I was then asked to speak at a What do you know night, then later at a conference.
CSS Conference - Decompress Talk
I was asked to speak as part of Decompress/CSS conference on an introduction to accessibility with a focus on front end, design and UI.
YOW Conference
Attended YOW a 2 day technology conference. Saw talks on topics such as HTTP2, agile development and machine learning.
Ruby on Rails Meet Up
Volunteered to speak at Ruby or Rails Newbie night, I gave a lightning talk on how I got into programming.
Blog: Cognitive Impariments
Wrote a self published blog piece on Cognitive Impairments.
Blog: Motor Impairments
Wrote a self published blog piece on Motor Impairments.
Blog: Hearing Impairments
Wrote a self published blog piece on Hearing Impairments.
Sitepoint Article
I had an article published by SitePoint, a platform for professional web developers to share their knowledge. The article was on colour accessibility and how common Bootstrap falls short.
Blog: Visual Impairments
Wrote a self published blog piece on Visual Impairments.
REA Brown Bag Talk
I was invited to realestate.com to give an hour long tutorial with Q&A on accessibility.
Blog: Who are accessible websites for?
Wrote a self published blog piece on Who are accessible websites for?.
Clojure Tutorial
Completed a weekend tutorial learning Clojure, a functional programming language.
Certificate of Achievement HTTP Fundamentals
Completed an online course with distinction average results through Plural Sight. It covered the fundamentals of HTTP including the client server model, headers, connections and cookies.
Blog: How I Discovered Web Accessibility
Wrote a self published blog piece on How I Discovered Web Accessibility.
Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility
Completed a course on web accessibility through the University of South Australia with a distinction average. Centered around how to audit a site for accessibility problems and how to fix them.
CSS MeetUp
Gave an impromptu speech on colour accessibility with tips for designers and front end developers. Is still referenced by the community today.
Rails Camp
Spent a weekend away hacking on things, playing games and going for nature walks at Rails camp in Brisbane. I worked on my Mouseguard site which I built after the role playing game with maps where you can add pin points and descriptions.
Ruby on Rails Meet Up
Gave a presentation at a Ruby meetup with an introduction to Web Accessibility. With examples of how I learnt from and survived my first accessibility audit.
A weekend as a hacker at the first ever women only hack-a-thon in Melbourne. Our team built Coffeehouse mentor, a platform for prospective mentors and mentees to meet.
Introduction to Perl
Week long course through Perl Australia learning the fundamentals of the Perl programming language and others in general. Going through and extending many programming examples and helping others with theirs.
Ruby on Rails Meet Up
After going to a couple of tech meet ups it became apparent that even if someone knew the technology that didn’t mean they knew how to present it. So in the interest of learning more I put my education degree to use and gave a talk on How to present a Tech Topic.
Rails Girls
Weekend long tutorial through Rails girls about the fundamentals of the Ruby programming language and on how to then launch a Ruby on Rails application.
Rails Camp
Shortly after a Rails Installfest I attended a weekend away in Rails Camp Sydney. I adapted the tutorial material given from a blog into a single page To Do application.
Rails installfest
Completed a Rails installfest hosted by reinteractive where I installed Ruby and Rails and made a blog app like through heroku.
Computing for Data Analysis
Completed a statistics and R programming language course through Coursera and Johns Hopkins University.
AWS Conference
Went to a full day conference on Amazon Web Services, learning about servers, load balancing and buckets. Later I logged on to an account and did some practice exercises setting up EC2 instances and granting permissions.
Treehouse Front End Course
Self directed course of front end programming fundamentals through Treehouse. Going through HTML, CSS and Javascript, as well as the command line and design theory.
Attended my first weekend hack-a-thon, our team built a project called Hansard Hack which ended up winning a prize. It analysed Hansard data and showed them in neat graphics using the D3 library.